Connect Posit Rcloud Server to Github

If you are indeed on Posit RCloud on a browser, run the following commands on the terminal panel.

Create a .ssh directory and give it permissions:

cd ~           # goes to most parent folder  
mkdir .ssh     # Make a directory
chmod 700 .ssh # Owner has read, write and execuate permissions

Create a ssh key

ssh-keygen                         # create ssh key, it should default to create in the .ssh folder press enter and enter for                                               passphrase 2x
cat /home/r20xxxxx/.ssh/ # read the file, copy and paste the contents into your github settings in browser
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa            # read and write access for owner but no one else

Then set your git remote source to use the ssh authentication with a command like this, while on your project root folder:

cd /cloud/project                                                                 # go to project
git remote set-url origin  # set git remote souce to use ssh authentification

Now try and test git pull, commit, and push